Thursday, 26 May 2016


Past and Present - David Hill

Describe something nasty or nice a character did and explain why they did it?

When Matthew gave a present to Api he was surprised and he said ‘what’ but he sounded rude when she said it. He also didn’t accept his present and he knocked it out of his hand. He did it because he doesn’t want to lose his friends or be left out. He doesn’t really want to be seen with Matthew because the class doesn’t really like him.

Persuasive Writing

Does music help people learn or does it distract them?
Does it depend on the music or the person?

In my opinion I think that it depends on the person if they work better with music or not. I personally think it helps me to learn because it puts people in a good mood, helps them to focus and achieve their goals.

First of all music helps people to feel more relaxed and happy. If the students are happy they will be more inspired to put their best effort into all their work. Children will also work faster with music on and will therefore get more work done. With pupils working efficiently and to the best standard they will be achieving their goals and progressing with their work.

Secondly people will be paying attention to the music and their work so they will be blocking out others around them. There will then be less talking around the classroom and we will have a quieter learning environment. For students it will then be easier to work in groups with the teachers if people are focusing on the music and working.

Lastly it may help inspire students with their work by giving them ideas. Especially in writing some students struggle with coming up with ideas for their work. With music children might also come up with ideas faster so they can move quickly into the publishing stage.

In conclusion I think that music does help people with their work because it puts them in a good mood and helps them to block others out. It may depend on the student’s preference but you should give pupils who want music the chance to have it.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016


W.A.L.T...Identify the Sacraments of Initiation, Healing, and Commitment.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl

Where did the story take place
- Mr Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory
- The Bucket’s house
- The shop

Describe the  most prominent setting
The Chocolate factory - Chocolate Room
A chocolate river runs down the middle of the green valley. The grass is edible and tastes like mint. A great big waterfall sits halfway across the river, where chocolate rolls off the cliff crashing into a whirlpool of froth and spray. Dozens of pipes dangle down from the ceiling sucking up chocolate and sending it to where it is needed.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Personal Qualities

This week we were learning about identifying our own personal qualities.

Personal Qualities
I am…

My friends think I am friendly.
I am patient with my nieces and nephews.
I don’t like talking in front of big crowds I am shy.
I am usually a happy person at home and school.
I am co-operative in groups.